Justice, Freedom & Finding Amanraya

About John Victor Ramses

My name is John Victor Ramses

I was born in Utah, USA in 1960.  I’m an author, musician, producer, photographer with a life-long passion for exploring as well as researching mysteries and phenomena. I’m a father of three – 2 daughters and 1 son.

In 1999 I emigrated to Perth, Western Australia to marry an Aussie women whom I’d grown to love deeply. Shortly after arriving in Australia I started a web marketing firm, I-Prodigy Communication.

In June 2000 our daughter, Amanraya (Amy) was born, fulfilling a seven year period of wonderful and compelling dreams of a future daughter coming into my life. (see Take 5 Magazine article)

In 2006 I created and produced Ghost Radio Australia (archives), with my wife as host of the Underworld Show. Ghost Radio became world renown due to hard work, talent and articles about us appearing in magazines and newspapers including Take 5, Sunday Times, and more.

In 2010 my Aussie wife and I divorced, which began access disputes to our then ten year old daughter.
On July 1, 2010 my now former wife reported me to police on false allegations of sexual assault in order to prevent me from initiating Family Court action for right to take my daughter on Holiday to America. This began a nightmare in my life which continues to this day. On the accusation alone I was arrested off the street on July 2, 2010 and imprisoned in Hakea Maximum Prison. Legal Aid was not provided to me unless I pleaded guilty, which I refused to do. As a result, I was forced to stand trial for five grueling days alone without any legal advice or any support whatsoever. The US consulate had refused to help with ensuring a fair trial by encouraging the WA legal system to provide me some form of legal counsel. Likewise, the US ambassador ignored my pleas for help.

I was helpless to properly defend myself due to lack of legal knowledge and was subsequently found guilty by a jury on August 12, 2011 – in spite of my obvious ineptness before the judge, which had resulted in a complete emotional breakdown on the 3rd day of trial.
I was sentenced to six and a half years in Acacia Prison, WA.

My time in prison opened my eyes to the blatant systemic corruption in the legal systems as well as learning just how many other prisoners had been wrongly accused and convicted. I spent that time in prison learning how to help myself and preparing an appeal, while also helping numerous other prisoners with their legal matters. By the time I left I had fully 35 cases, and brought home with me several of those cases.

On December 31, 2017 I was released from prison and deported from Australia that I had loved as I love my own country. And as the plane left the ground at Perth airport I could barely contain my anguish as somewhere below me was my precious daughter whom I had promised I would never leave. I land in my home town, Salt Lake City, Utah on New Years Day 2018, broken hearted, angry and still under legal oppression.

Today I still search for my daughter, Amanraya Ramses, who remains somewhere in Australia. It’s been 11 years as of this writing since I last seen her and kissed her goodnight for the last time on June 30, 2010 and have never seen her again. And likewise, heartbroken and angry about the draconian situation in Australia under the guise of 'health'. I lived in and remember the fair dinkum Australia I came to come from the first day I arrived.

I’m am still attempting to appeal the conviction, a gross miscarriage of justice, but so far no lawyer will take my case in the US or Australia. Those without hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy justice are simply ignored.

Presently, I am grounds manager for a hotel in Salt Lake City.