Justice, Freedom & Finding Amanraya

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Alone, no legal counsel, attempting to defend myself in trial - utter ineptness. The trial should have been aborted.

March 28, 2012 Plea For Help From Roof of Acacia Prison
My dangerous plea for help from the roof of Acacia Prison - Reason why I did it.

Letter to Consulate July 15

Letter requesting Consulate Assistance

Letter to Consulate March 23, 2012 .

General Letter to Politicians and Organization

Letter to Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, 15 February 2015

AUDIO READING of Letter to Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, 15 February 2015

Letter from a prisoner whose wife knew the facts behind the scene and corruption used to imprison me

Letter August 30, 2012

Letter Home on the American Fourth of July

My Submission to the Australian Productivity Commission / Access To Justice Inquiry 2013

INVOICE - Deportation Costs - Over $11,000 dollars from Australia to USA .
I had flown to Australia to marry and begin a family in 1999. The flight cost $1,100 . I was deported from Australia after serving 6 1/2 years in prison on false allegations, which the Department of Immigration charged me $11,086 - and gave me just 30 days to pay it!

This is a scanned copy of the actual Affidavit of Dennis McKenna 30 November 2017.

Letter to Judge David Sam (US Federal) regarding forced participation in Sex Offender Treatment Program.
This is a scanned copy of the actual Affidavit of Dennis McKenna 30 November 2017.


Article in Take 5 Magazine about how my wife and I met, my 'dream' daughter, our mutual interests, and the our ife together.

Where We Began - Articles in Witchcraft Magazine and Golden Age Magazine (1999) about the phenomena 11:11 and how we met.

Song: "Weekend Daddy" (Mentioned in Not On My Life)

Song: Climbing Bridges Written in Hakea Prison after sentencing, 2011

What Australia Day Means To Me (Now) Written in Acacia Prison

IMAGINE THIS...Written in Acacia Prison

Something Wicked Our Way CameThe Cause of the End


Written by John Victor Ramses, Acacia Prison, Australia

 An Aboriginal prisoner, Mr. Terrance "Bull" Dann, told me a story in 2015, shortly after he arrived to Acacia Prison. It reminded me of how close Australia and America once were, so much so, that the whole of the outback had gone silent at the moment when the September 11 attacks occurred in the United States. Mr. Dann had been a younger cowboy, mustering cattle on the Auvergne Station, Northern Territory, following a break-up with his wife. It had just happened to be September 11, 2015 when I met him and he told me this story. I was so touched and inspired that I would spend the next several weeks writing a screenplay for a short film, as it had unfolded in my mind while he spoke.

I invite you to read:
I hope the story touches you as it did me.

From the prevous Age of Accusation:

1628 CE (During the Inquisitions) A Father's Last Letter To His Daughter
One who is familiar with history as I am will immediately note the similar tactics used during the Witch Hunts of the Early Modern Era and those used in today's Sex Offence cases. Indeed, the tactic are born from a book called the Malleus Maleficarum (Witch Hammer) written in 1486 which would govern the proceedings of witch trials for the next four hundred years, ending, for the most part in Salem Village, 1692-3. (See Salem's Ghost - The New 'Witch' and the Return to the Age of Accusation). --- I know this father's agaony. I have written so many letters to my own little girl, for when she is old enough to understand what I went through, how hard I fought for her.