Justice, Freedom & Finding Amanraya

The Prison Years - My Journals - (Acacia Prison 2011-2017)

I kept journals throughout my legal ordeal in Australia from arrest to trial to prison to eventual release and deportation back to the USA. Some journals were confiscated by the prison due to exposure of certain prison incidents or my involvement with helping prisoners like Dennis McKenna with their cases during the draconian witch hunt then called 'Redress' - a political agenda and precursor to the infamous 'MeToo' movement which was designed to end the Age of Men / Fathers and silence political opposition. Taken were my post-trial journals from October 2011 through most of 2012. Those journals documented the appalling trial where I was forced to stand alone and attempt to defend myself with no legal knowledge, leading obviously to a conviction. Also discussed was my private plea for help from the roof of the prison on March 28, 2012, a near fatal heart attack on July 27, 2012, and a brain aneurism on December 5, 2012. The journals were confiscated to due exposing the handling of certain incidents and names involved, as well as my notes on my involvement with cases of certain prisoners.

However, there are documents related to entries made in those journals which I will link to below. My book, 'Not On My Life', recounts the 2010 - 2011 era very close as it happens and begins with the last night I saw my precious daughter, Amanraya Ramses (Amy), the arrest, corruption, imprisonment in Hakea Prison and eventual bail and search for a lawyer. This is a beautiful, raw and well-written story.

Read: Not On My Life here (PDF) >

At the end of each journal year, or otherwise where relevant, I will provide links to documents or images related to subject matter referred to in the journal.

Above all, my love for my daughter Amanraya is evident throughout the journals as well as my personal battle with the system to be with her again. After all, I was imprisoned on false allegation for the sole purpose of keeping me and my daughter apart or taking her to America on holiday following the divorce. A reader will also become aware of my disappointment and despair with the lack of support and help from my family in America - which I later came to understand is a weakness and apathy common among our western culture that has effectively led to these final days of Western civilization. Some will fight. Most will not.

(Some pages lose the last line due to A$ size page scanned at US size).

JOURNAL - 2011-2012 (Confiscated)

JOURNAL - Dec 2012 to Dec 2013

JOURNAL - 2014 (Part A & B) Year

JOURNAL - 2015 Year

JOURNAL - 2016 Year

JOURNAL - 2017 -January to Release and Deportation


The above excerpt is from an essay I wrote on Australia Day 2016,
titled 'What Australia Day Means To Me' . Full Essay Here >