Justice, Freedom & Finding Amanraya

My Desperate, Dangerous Plea for Freedom in Australia

******Please Watch My 4th of July 2020 Video on YouTube
and the value of the flag shown below.*******

Recorded July 4th 2020.

When an American Risked His Life For Basic Rights In Australia

(Click for Large Image)

A few months following my unlawful conviction and imprisonment in Australia, I was desperate to get word of the injustice to the world. I secretly planned a lone plea for help from atop the roof of Acacia Prison on Mach 28, 2012, where I painted a large blue message to Australia’s then Prime Minister regarding the abuse of an American citizen in her country. It was a dangerous stunt, and I believed there was a good chance I would not survive it, but I was determined to try.

To the roof with me I took a hand-painted American Flag, which I had secretly painted at night under the cover of my blanket. It was about 28” – enough for any news helicopter to see it and know for fact that and American was protesting injustice. I had left instructions in a letter in my cell for the US consul (Perth) to please secure this flag and mail to my daughter in America. It took 6 months, but the prison finally released it to the consul who mailed it to my daughter.

What I wrote to my children on the bottom white stripe in 2012 is as poignant and powerful today as it was all those long years ago when I created it. These were potentially the last words I would write to my children, as on that day - March 28, 2012 - I had made peace that I might die, but I would die fighting for freedom! The words I wrote to my children are below:


“Dear Children, Joshua, Sarah, Amanraya - This Flag, symbol of the United States of America, was hand painted my me, your father, in Acacia Prison, Western Australia, March 11, 2012.
It is a symbol of all the United States stands for, was founded upon, including Freedom of Speech, Liberty and Justice for All.

It is the symbol of we born of the American Spirit, that we will never bow our heads to injustice, nor tolerate injustice in the world where we can fight it.
Here, in Australia, far from home, I have experienced first hand the type of injustice, prejudice and cruelty our founding fathers fought to become Independent from over 200 years ago in 1776.
I am in this prison today due to those injustices and prejudice, silenced, and for crimes I did not commit. Australia breached the UN Convention on Human Rights, Fair Treatment and ignored Natural Justice. No one ever heard my version of events nor seen my evidence that would expose the wicked lie against me, proving my innocence.

This Flag I now carry during my stand against this Injustice, this ignorant cruelty and bias.
This Flag I now carry during my stand for you, my children.

Amanraya - while you were born in Australia you are the daughter of your American father and your Heart and Spirit is your Father's Heart and Spirit. You are not a subject of a distant crown. This Flag is as much your symbol as it is for your brother and sister in America; a symbol whose essence and beliefs were born into you from me. Live Life as such, proud, strong and with integrity. Never bow your head to injustice. Never hang your head when False Witness is made against you. Never forget Who You Are - My daughter!

Joshua and Sarah: Never take for granted this symbol, which was forged of hope and dreams and blood and determination for over two centuries; of those who made stands, fought and sacrificed to keep it flying above our homeland through peace and war, good times and bad. Treat it as you would treat yourselves, for you and this Flag are one and the same - AMERICA.

You are all my children, the continuation of all I am, all our ancestors were and are within you. The continuation of our never-ending story.

Love dad - Somewhere over the Rainbow in a land called "Oz".

God Bless America, the Bill of Rights and Constitution of the United States.
Advance Australia Fair.


Never Give Up.

28 March 2012 "

Read Origial Letter to US Consulate for why I protested on the prison roof.